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Photo of Professor Dzodzi Tsikata

GETSPA congratulates Professor Dzodzi Tsikata on selection as final recipient of SOAS Distinguished Research Professorship

The SOAS University of London announced Professor Dzodzi Tsikata, GETSPA Principal Investigator as the final recipient of the SOAS Distinguished Research Professorship for 2022. She will join the Department of Development Studies as Research Professor of Development Studies from January 2023.

In reaction to her appointment as a Professor of Development studies and joining SOAS, Professor Dzodzi Tsikata said: 

“SOAS represents an interesting vantage point from which to continue my research of the last three decades on questions of Africa’s development. SOAS’s plan to reimagine global partnerships and revitalise its research agenda is precisely the kind of agenda to which I can make a real contribution. I feel energised by the prospect of working with colleagues in Development Studies to produce new knowledge, train a new generation of global leaders and contribute to current debates about the future of development studies.”

Zoe Marriage, Head of the Development studies Department said: 

“It is fantastic to have Professor Dzodzi Tsikata joining the Department of Development Studies. Professor Tsikata is a scholar of international stature, and her appointment is particularly significant as she will be bringing a wealth of experience and understanding of the African continent. Colleagues are anticipating a range of synergies as Professor Tsikata's work has so many points of contact with research and teaching in the department: on gender, agrarian transitions, and questions of citizenship. We are very much looking forward to welcoming Professor Tsikata to our department.”

GETSPA congratulates and wishes Professor Tsikata all the best on this new appointment.

Please, read more about her appointment from SOAS University of London.