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GETSPA welcomes additional researchers

GETSPA welcomes additional researchers

GETSPA organised an inception workshop to welcome and introduce additional researchers to the Project. The virtual workshop ushered in researchers and research teams from the Mano River Union, the Horn of Africa and North Africa, marking the successful mobilization of the full complement of ten country clusters of GETSPA.

The two-day inception workshop, which took place from 9th to 10th October 2021, was the second to be organised and effectively marked the birth of GETSPA as a true Pan-African initiative – spanning the major linguistic and geo-political zones of Africa.

As Prof Dzodzi Tsikata, Principal Investigator, rightly noted in her remarks: “This inception workshop is a signal moment, an important step to bring the Project to life and to work together to co-create and co-own a network that nurtures succeeding generations of social policy researchers and advocates who are committed to working towards a new era of transformative social policy making in Africa.”

The workshop was a meaningful event that enabled the researchers and members of the GETSPA secretariat to discuss fundamental project goals and key activities, conceptual and methodological issues, project deliverables and timelines, and governance and management. It workshop was chaired by GETSPA Technical Committee members Prof Abena Oduro (day one) and Dr Ato Kwamena Onoma (day two).

The researchers appreciated GETSPA for the learning and networking opportunity provided through the inception workshop and pledged their commitment to contribute their quota to the Project’s mission.

They join an initial set of researchers who took part in the first inception workshop held from 1st to 2nd April 2021.