Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau

Dr. Clementina Furtado is the Director at the Centre for Research and Training on Gender and Family (CIGEF), University of Cape Verde (Uni-CV) since 2013. She has a PhD in Political and Social Sciences and has been developing research works in the fields of migration, gender and development. She has also been participating in various research projects focusing on gender inclusion and women empowerment.

Dr. Carmeliza Rosario is a post-doctoral researcher at the Christian Michelsen Institute, Norway, and a Social and Development Anthropologist. Her research spans gender, poverty, and vulnerability to social development. For the past 20 years, she has carried out longitudinal studies focusing on poverty, including on feminization of poverty, with particular focus on the female manifestation of poverty and coping mechanisms. Among her contributions to social policies are a co-authored report (2007) on urban poverty, entitled "Xiculungo" Social Relations of Urban Poverty in Maputo, Mozambique. In Angola, Rosario has disseminated methodologies for gender-sensitive research on urban poverty, based on her previous experience in Mozambique. In 2018, she also helped develop the Gender Mainstreaming Strategy and Implementation Plans for the Okavango and Zambezi River Basins, which address existing inequities at the institutional, as well as social and community levels.

Bissau-Guinean, Ms Ilsa Sá is a Political Assistant at the Embassy of the United States of America Liaison office, Guinea-Bissau since 2017. She holds a degree in International Relations, with an MSc in International Cooperation and Development Studies from the Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. She has five years’ experience as a project assistant and programme manager of development projects with civil society organizations in Guinea-Bissau in the areas of food security, youth and civic leadership, economic and social development, biodiversity conservation and women empowerment. She is a member of the National Food Security Network (RESSAN-GB) and a co-founder of Amílcar Cabral Social Studies Center (CESAC).

Dr. Margareth Nangacovie is a researcher and law professor at the Catholic University, Luanda, Angola, where she teaches Constitutional Law and Property Rights Law. Her thesis was on public policies and the right to housing in Angola. Her current research interests include human rights and gender, and she has been involved in research projects in the fields of human rights, gender, judiciary, migration, poverty and informal economy. She has also been the coordinator of a research group in a study about women’s integration in the productive process in Angola, at the Center of Research and Studies of the Catholic University. She is a member of the Lawyers’ Association and a founding member of the Observatório de Políticas Públicas na Perspectiva de Género (ASSOGE - Gender Policies Observatory Association in Angola), which provides legal assistance to informal vendors, domestic workers, and women victims of violence. She also has a background in communications and is an experienced journalist with over 10 years’ experience at Radio Eclesia, the Catholic Radio station of Angola. She holds a master’s in juridical sciences from the Federal University of Paraiba in Brazil, with specialisation in human rights, and a post-graduate degree in education.