Post-Doctoral Fellows
The research team also comprise of a post-doctoral fellow who is currently engaged in independent research based on the key questions of the Project.

Dr. John Oti Amoah is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Gender Research, Advocacy and Documentation (CEGRAD), University of Cape Coast (UCC), Ghana, and an Affiliate Lecturer at the Centre for African and International Studies, UCC. His research interest includes gender, social policy, livelihoods/labour, conflict and environment. He holds a split site PhD in Development Studies with specialization in Gender, Social Protection and Livelihoods from UCC, Ghana and the University of Kassel, Germany. Between June and December 2019, John was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the International Center for Development and Decent Work, University of Kassel, Germany. He also has experience in academic leadership, serving as a steering committee member of the International Center for Development and Decent Work, University of Kassel, Germany (2015-2017).
He has also served as a consultant for international organizations such as USAID and Plan International. He has presented papers at international conferences and workshops in Ghana, Germany, Uganda, Mexico, Kenya, and Pakistan among others, and serves on the Faculty of Social Sciences, UCC Research Committee.
Tiyesere Mercy Chikapa is a Senior Lecturer and Head of Management and Leadership Studies Department at the University of Malawi in Malawi. She holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Business and Management from the University of Manchester, UK, a Master’s degree in Human Resource Management from the University of Leeds, UK and a Bachelor’s degree in Public Administration from the University of Malawi, Malawi. Tiyesere has over 19 years of research and teaching in Human Resource Management and Public Administration and is specifically interested in Gender and governance related aspects. As a Post-Doctoral Fellow at GETSPA, Tiyesere is investigating the intersection of austerity, social policies and men and women’s work in the health sector, drawing on experiences from Malawi, Senegal, and Ghana.