Congo DRC, Gabon and Cameroon Cluster

Meva’A Abomo Dominique is a professor and lecturer at the Geography Department, FLSH University of Doula, Cameroon. He holds an HDR in Geography, a PhD in Geography, a PhD in Political Science and a Master’s in Business Administration. He works on various topics such as health systems, urban health, food systems, socio-spatial engineering, diagnosis and planning of local development (policy, strategy and strategic action plan), social advancement, geopolitics and geostrategy, asymetrology (the science which aims at the study of asymetrological conflicts, of which he is the founder), migration and development, environment, epistemology and research methodology. An International Imothep Prize holder, he is the scientific coordinator of the Cheikh Anta Diop Scholarly Society, an international research group at the University of Douala, also operating as the Office of University Expertise. He has 17 years of professional experience as an International expert consultant. He is the author and co-author of 10 books, and of some 40 journal articles, book chapters, and scientific papers.

Germain Kuna Maba Mmubuku is Professor and Vice-Dean (Teaching Programmes) at the Faculty of Social, Administrative and Political Sciences, University of Kinshasa, Congo DRC. He is also Executive Secretary and Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Democracy and Political Leadership. His research focuses on socio-prospective state governance, security and development policy, political leadership, political parties and electoral oversight. He has authored and co-authored several scientific publications, notably Processus de développement du Bas-Congo (2012); Le Kongo Central face à la crise du leadership (2016); Gouvernance en question en République Démocratique du Congo (2019).

Dr. Marthe Maroundou is a lecturer at the Department of Sociology at the Omar BONGO University in Libreville since 2012. Her research activities focus on topics such as training and related issues, school and university orientation, school violence, social inequalities at school, and gender and education choices. She holds a PhD in Sociology.